Gallery of published books and books in the pipeline


Her Winning Hurdle

This is a heart-touching novel about the life of a young lady with autism in her childhood and adolescence who overcame her situation and came up as one of the finest musicians with the help of the positive approach, untiring efforts, inspiration, and guidance of her father. Her early life struggles with her emotions and the surroundings, the most creative support of her father, and her positive steps with the determination to win against all the odds, as well as the story of her achievements, are nicely penned down by the author in this book.

The readers will find out how the father of a challenging kid can become the source of inspiration and guidance in molding her life into a dignified one, full of challenges and events.

The story will inspire many people to struggle against the odds and win.

This is an inspiring and exciting novella (Book 1 of the "Dreams Get Fulfilled" Series), based on the story of a daring gentleman who pursued his childhood dream of becoming a Hollywood actor at the age of 50 and transformed himself with strong and bold determination.

“Nothing can stop you from pursuing a dream at any age.

No age of yours can stop you from taking action towards the fulfillment of your dreams.

Even at sweet 50, you can dare to start.

Your gutsy leaps will take you to the pinnacle of your achievements.

Ramon too dared to pursue a dream at 50…”

“…At midnight on my 52nd birthday, when the majority of people were in deep sleep, I sat down to make some very important decisions in my life…

“Well Gracie, I want to bring my patience level and stress management ability to the highest level, as my dream is to be a Hollywood actor, where extreme patience, without getting stressed, will be required.”

In the previous birth, he (the gentleman named "Ramon") pursued his childhood dream of becoming a Hollywood actor at the age of 50.  Was the unfulfilled dream of his last birth, for which he transmigrated, fulfilled? Let’s explore this novella.

“So cute he is!” Nora was so happy with the new member of her family!

“We will keep his name René. How do you like the name? “

“Sweet, but how did you find out the name? Do you know that RENÉ means re-birth? “

“…I do not know how I had the night-dream 12 months ago that my baby would be a re-birth. Even the same dream was repeated just six months back before his birth…

…I simply saw a scary dying man getting converted into a smiling, charming baby… “

The three-year-old child did not wait for his papa and took his small cycle to the front park’s cycling track. By the time Adam could get ready, René started cycling on the track…”

This is a book that is useful for everyone, as 48 diverse real-life situations are described in a simple way where the practice of remaining in the meditative state helps handle such situations coolly and in a stable state of mind without getting stressed.

“Through practice, if you can master the art of remaining in the meditative state all the time, then you will be able to maintain a constant flow of happiness and joy in your mind in all situations. Your mind will be at peace all the time and you will be able to focus on whatever you do or get engaged in.
In such a state of mind, you can achieve big and remain happy, relaxed, stable, and cool….”

The state of being “Left with nothing” is actually an opportunity to build an empire of innumerable things.

When you are apparently left with nothing, you actually come out of your comfort zone. Coming out of your comfort zone is a sign that you have accepted the challenge of life. There will be so many pains of losing everything, out of no major fault of yours.…”

“See how the spider accepts so many failures with positivity and tries again and again until it finally makes its web, the design of which is so beautiful and well interwoven!…”

This is a self-help book (Part 1 of the "Positive Thought Streams" series) containing a bunch of positive thought streams that can help you remain motivated and inspired in various real-life situations.

Just as diverse water streams flowing through a number of terrains (forests, hills, plains, countrysides, towns, etc.) can nurture so many budding and mature plants on earth, so can diverse and inspiring positive thought streams flow through so many hearts on earth, nurturing peace, love, and happiness from heart to heart!

The thought streams springing from the book help build a lovely ambiance for stable, cool, focused, and stronger actions through the practice of remaining in a meditative way, destroying non-value-added disturbances and negative stimuli.”

“May the inner talents and
potentials of every person flourish
to the fullest through the grand
power of self-determination so that
the seedlings get more inspiration
to grow bigger and the flowers
smile brighter.”

Let every rhythmic poem you cherry-pick, become a soothing song of your life, crossing the horizon and spreading love, all around.

“I peeped inside my heart and got the fragrance of blossomed flowers and buds

and rhythms of so many melodious songs

and so many lights, glaring on rivers,
playing hide-and-seek in the green jungles!”

“I thought, your love would be a big hug.

But, you just hold my hand

And showed the horizon,

With the sky and the sea

Hugging each other firm…”

While living life with Yoga, you take all the pleasant pains every day to remain alert for good social and personal ethics as well as for an active, flexible, and pain-free body free from disease. In such a state of your mind and body, your soul can maintain its original nature of remaining peaceful, blissful emanating more love for you and all around you.

“…When your body and mind are healthy and fit and your efforts are sustained and the most sincere, the individual consciousnessof your soul can better get matched with the cosmic consciousness of the Universe. Such efforts, in turn, help in spreading Universal harmony, serenity and peace…”

Yoga is the loveliest blend with all the attributes covering all the aspects of life that can make transformation in a person possible from his/her current state to the state of a yogi. A real yogi can keep his/her mind and body fit in all the situations and get the power of connecting the individual consciousness to the Universal consciousness.

The world needs to know the real power of Yoga, as that will surely help in the Universal peace, happiness and progress…”

The book is based on a series of the true conversations of the Author, in the role of a Lean Consultant-Coach-Trainer, with the key representatives of various Organizations in different domains. The whole book is kept in the conversation mode to keep the realistic approach of helping the aspirants of the Lean System.

Mr. X:

I am looking for a Management System for my Organization that will help me eliminating wastes, making zero rejection, and overshooting the quality, delivery time & profitability beyond my customers’ expectations.  

Mr. Consultant:

I suggest you go for the Lean Management System. You will get more than what you are looking for.

Mr. X:

Please let me know more about that.

Mr. Consultant:

This is a management system that helps an Organization identifying & eliminating the wastes of overproduction, over-processing, over-inventory, over-motion, over-transportation, defects, waiting, and underutilized resources.…”

In this book, the author has explained, based on his practical experience, how machine breakdowns, defects, and accidents could cause big losses to organizations in terms of money, time, work efficiency, and credibility, and how, through TPM, we could tend breakdowns, defects, and accidents to zero.

Mr. X: Dear Mr. Consultant, one of the key pain areas we are living with is that we waste so much of our time, efforts and money, and suffer the loss of credibility in dealing with the undesirable and unexpected breakdowns of our machines and equipment.

There are many defects in my machines giving defective products! Many accidents have taken place in the past and many narrow escapes.  Please suggest how to get rid of those in the future.

Mr. Consultant: You may bring out a revolutionary change in your approach. Miracles will start happening.

Mr. X: Sounds good and seems to be interesting. Please elaborate.

Mr. Consultant: Well. Let’s go with the holistic approach of regaining and maintaining the health of the machines. Known as the Total Productive Maintenance approach, in which every maintenance activity is a Productive one, capable of adding value to the Manufacturing System of your Organization…

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